Directions To Akumal

If you rent a car to get from Cancun International Airport to Akumal, follow the directions below. Driving to Akumal will take just over an hour from the airport. Before leaving the airport remember to clear your odometer in your rental car. Once you are on your way, take Hwy 307 south (make a right turn on the ramp to "Chetumal" and/or "Tulum"). The other option is to head north on 307 into downtown Cancun. So unless you want to go to Cancun stay to right and head south!

There are a couple of turnarounds on Hwy 307. One is near Puerto Morelos and the other is south of Playa Del Carmen. The signs are a little confusing and it may look like you are heading in the wrong direction, but your not! Just stay in the right hand lane and you will be ok. The inner left lane circles into a u-turn and heads you back north. Again, stay in the far right lane when you see these and you will be ok.

As your traveling south keep an eye out for a telecommunications tower on the right side of the highway. This is a sign that you getting close to Akumal. Also check your odometer at around 100km or (62 miles) from the airport and start slowing down. On the left hand side of the road you will see two large white cement walls with Club Akumal Caribe painted on them. This is the entrance to Akumal.

To turn left into the entrance to Akumal pull off to the right side of Hwy 307 and use the circle configuration to turn your car around so it faces the entrance to Akumal. When the road in clear in both directions cross Hwy 307. You may not catch this circle turnaround in time since you'll more than likely be looking for the entrance on the left side of the road. However, remember to use it the next time your out in your car.

Travel down the road until you reach the main gate to Akumal, its painted white. You can typically just pass through the gate slowing down for the big speed bump, but if the guard stops you, just tell him where you have your reservations and he will let you pass. Once inside, heads toward your destination. If you arrive during the night drive slowly and watch out the speed bumps.