Budha Gardens Spa

A variety of massage therapies and treatments are available at Budha Gardens Spa. Located in Akumal, Budha Gardens Spa is unique because treatment areas are not walled in little rooms with re-circulated air, there open to the ocean breezes. Treatment rooms are discreetly closed off with yards of fabric so in addition to your selected therapy or treatment your also pampered by the natural flowing breezes! Budha Gardens Spa, Hotel Villas Maya latest little secret getaway! For additional information email us directly at (Budha Gardens Spa).

Massage Menu

The Budha Gardens Massage
A combination of deep tissue and Swedish massage with oil lotion.

90 minutes …….$75
60 minutes …….$45
30 minutes …….$25
15 minutes …….$15

Aromatherapy $5
Enhance your massage with essential oils that invigorate and rejuvenate.

Pressure-point massage for the feet.

60 minutes …….$30
30 minutes …….$15

Nail Care Menu

Manicure $8
A classic treatment done with salt scrub and coconut oil.
Polish only $5

Pedicure $15
Includes a peppermint salt glow bath and massage.
Polish only $7

Paraffin Treatment $10
Moisturize your hands or feet with an aromatic paraffin wax